Comparison was done between the BVS and EN method across a series of \(\sigma^2_{\beta}\) values, which reflect the magnitude of non-zero \(\beta\), or the signal level. The criteria include precison and recall rates averaged over a number of repeated trials.

Load functions for data simulation, BVS regression and elastic net regression:


Data initialization

Here, we randomly generate simluation data using the following steps:

  • generate \(X_{N\times P}: X_{ij} \stackrel{i.i.d}{\sim} N(0,1)\);
  • generate \(A_{1\times P}\): i) \(A_j \stackrel{i.i.d}{\sim} NB(20,0.25)\), ii) set the overall sparsity level to \(0.2\), iii) \(A_j \leftarrow \text{log } (A_j+1)\);
  • fix the enrichment parameters \(\alpha_1=0.5\), \(\alpha_0=-2\);
  • sample \(\gamma\) given \(\alpha,A\);
  • sample \(\beta\) given \(\sigma^2_{\beta}\) (varies from 0.2 to 4) and \(\epsilon\) given \(\sigma^2_e=1\);
  • generate \(y = X\beta + \epsilon\).
N = 50
P = 50
sparse = 0.2
niter = 1000
burn = 200
sigma2_e_true = 1  
alpha_true = c(0.5,-2)
prior_sigma2e = list(g0=1,h0=1)
prior_sigma2b = list(g1=1,h1=1)
binary.A = F = 1

Sigma2_b = c(0.2,seq(0.5,4,0.5))
stats.summary = data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(Sigma2_b), ncol = 9))
names(stats.summary) = c('sigma2_b','sparse','en.precision','en.recall','bvs.precision',
rep = 30 # number of trials
seed0 = 12345
seeds = sample(100000,size=rep)

We iterated over values of \(\sigma^2_{\beta}\) from 0.2 to 4. For each \(\sigma^2_{\beta}\) value, we randomly generated 30 sets of data and run the both BVS and EN. For each BVS trial, 1000 Gibbs sampling steps were run, and a burn-in of 200 steps was used as the algorithm converges pretty fast.

for (s in 1:length(Sigma2_b)){

  sigma2_b_true = Sigma2_b[s]
  print(paste("True sigma2_b:",sigma2_b_true))
  stats.summary$sigma2_b[s] = sigma2_b_true
  en = list(overlap = matrix(nrow = rep,ncol = 3))
  bvs = list(overlap = matrix(nrow = rep,ncol = 3), means = matrix(nrow = rep,ncol = 4), 
             pip = matrix(nrow = rep,ncol = 2))

  for (i in 1:rep){
    seed = seeds[i]
    data = data.gen(N,P,peak.mean=NULL,peak.cov=NULL,,binary.A,sparse,alpha_true,sigma2_e_true,sigma2_b_true,seed)
    X = data$X
    y = data$y
    A = data$A
    beta_true = data$beta_true
    en$overlap[i,] = EN.analysis(X,y,beta_true,seed)
    stats = BVS(y,X,A,alpha_true,sigma2_e_true,sigma2_b_true,beta_true,prior_sigma2e,prior_sigma2b,niter,burn,seed)
    bvs$overlap[i,] = stats$overlap
    bvs$means[i,] = stats$means
    bvs$pip[i,] = stats$pip
  stats.summary$sparse[s] = mean(bvs$overlap[,1])/P
  print(paste("Averaged sparsity:",mean(bvs$overlap[,1])/P))
  stats.summary$en.precision[s] = mean(en$overlap[,3]/en$overlap[,2])
  stats.summary$en.recall[s] = mean(en$overlap[,3]/en$overlap[,1])
  stats.summary$bvs.precision[s] = mean(bvs$overlap[,3]/bvs$overlap[,2])
  stats.summary$bvs.recall[s] = mean(bvs$overlap[,3]/bvs$overlap[,1])
  stats.summary$bvs.inv_spec[s] = mean((bvs$overlap[,2]-bvs$overlap[,3])/(P-bvs$overlap[,1]))
  stats.summary$bvs.pp0[s] = mean(bvs$pip[,1])
  stats.summary$bvs.pp1[s] = mean(bvs$pip[,2])


knitr::kable(stats.summary,"html") %>% kable_styling() %>% scroll_box(width="800px",height='400px')
sigma2_b sparse en.precision en.recall bvs.precision bvs.recall bvs.inv_spec bvs.pp0 bvs.pp1
0.2 0.1893333 0.6822616 0.5812879 0.9134524 0.5082083 0.0131037 0.0933597 0.5439212
0.5 0.1893333 0.6169407 0.7061917 0.9409632 0.6621549 0.0106802 0.0788601 0.6794149
1.0 0.1893333 0.5684184 0.7852958 0.9682011 0.7271164 0.0057359 0.0650752 0.7439618
1.5 0.1893333 0.5376701 0.8093446 0.9746429 0.7639683 0.0049229 0.0572876 0.7740325
2.0 0.1893333 0.5311106 0.8465560 0.9714021 0.7901635 0.0057359 0.0521823 0.7943649
2.5 0.1893333 0.5292573 0.8529197 0.9746429 0.7938672 0.0049229 0.0479837 0.8075548
3.0 0.1893333 0.5197765 0.8631049 0.9798677 0.8069649 0.0041099 0.0447546 0.8195959
3.5 0.1893333 0.5151279 0.8788456 0.9858333 0.8226275 0.0032327 0.0421549 0.8285281
4.0 0.1893333 0.5122498 0.8783826 0.9858333 0.8256578 0.0032327 0.0403924 0.8364815

(sparsity: averaged sparsity of the true models, pp0 and pp1: average posterior inclusion probabilities of the true zero \(\beta_i\)’s and true nonzero \(\beta_i\)’s.)

plot(stats.summary$sigma2_b, stats.summary$bvs.precision, ylim = c(0,1), type = 'l',
     xlab = 'sigma2_b', ylab = '', col = 'indianred1', main = 'BVS vs EN', 
     cex.axis = 1.2)

points(stats.summary$sigma2_b, stats.summary$bvs.precision, pch=19, col = 'indianred1')
lines(stats.summary$sigma2_b, stats.summary$bvs.recall, type = 'l', col = 'indianred1')
points(stats.summary$sigma2_b, stats.summary$bvs.recall, pch = 17, col = 'indianred1')

lines(stats.summary$sigma2_b, stats.summary$en.precision, type = 'l',col='turquoise3')
points(stats.summary$sigma2_b, stats.summary$en.precision,pch=19, col = 'turquoise3')
lines(stats.summary$sigma2_b, stats.summary$en.recall, type = 'l',col='turquoise3')
points(stats.summary$sigma2_b, stats.summary$en.recall, pch = 17, col='turquoise3')

legend(x=2.8,y=0.3,legend = c('BVS precision','BVS recall','EN precision','EN recall'), 
       col = c('indianred1','indianred1','turquoise3','turquoise3'),
       pch = c(19,17,19,17), bty = "n")