This tutorial describes how to run alternative differential expression (DE) methods on CD8+ T Cell CROP-seq data. All analyses are limited to the stimulated group only. All file paths here are relative to this working directory: /project2/xinhe/yifan/Factor_analysis/Stimulated_T_Cells/.

0.1 DESeq2

0.1.1 R script

Location: run_deseq.all_by_stim.R;

Command line usage example:

Rscript run_deseq.all_by_stim.R --out_folder=processed_data/DESeq2/all_by_stim_negctrl/ --marker=ARID1A --NTC_only=TRUE --permute=FALSE

marker: the gRNA perturbation condition to test the differential effects,
NTC_only: whether to compare with only nontargeting control cells or all cells in other conditions.

0.1.2 Run jobs at scale

Edit the Python script, which can submit sbatch jobs for all gRNA targets.

Make sure to modify the sbatch script defined in make_DEG_sbatch() and loop over all conditions.

To submit jobs, run the edited script: ./

0.1.3 Output

Each gRNA condition vs negative control: processed_data/DESeq2/all_by_stim_negctrl/;

Each gRNA condition vs the rest of cells: processed_data/DESeq2/all_by_stim_dev_6k/;

0.2 MAST

Location: run_MASTcpmDetRate.all_by_stim.R;

Command line usage example:

Rscript run_MASTcpmDetRate.all_by_stim.R --out_folder=processed_data/MAST/all_by_stim_negctrl/ --marker=ARID1A --NTC_only=TRUE --permute=FALSE

marker: the gRNA perturbation condition to test the differential effects,
NTC_only: whether to compare with only nontargeting control cells or all cells in other conditions.

0.2.1 Run jobs at scale

Edit the Python script, which can submit sbatch jobs for all gRNA targets.

Make sure to modify the sbatch script defined in make_DEG_sbatch() and loop over all conditions.

To submit jobs, run the edited script: ./

0.2.2 Output

Each gRNA condition vs negative control: processed_data/MAST/all_by_stim_negctrl/;

Each gRNA condition vs the rest of cells: processed_data/MAST/all_by_stim_dev_6k/;

0.3 scMAGeCK

0.3.1 R script

Location: scmageck/run_scmageck.R;

Command line usage example (works on all gRNA conditions at once):

Rscript scmageck/run_scmageck.R --permute=FALSE

0.3.2 Output

Each gRNA condition vs negative control among stimulated cells: scmageck/scmageck_lr.TCells_stim.dev_res_top_6k.rds.

Each gRNA condition vs negative control among unstimulated cells:scmageck_lr.TCells_unstim.dev_res_top_6k.rds.