Single cell expression data

High-throughput single-cell functional elucidation of neurodevelopmental disease-associated genes reveals convergent mechanisms altering neuronal differentiation, GEO accession: GSE142078.

CRISPR knock-down of 14 autism spectrum disorder (ASD)–associated genes (3 gRNAs per gene) + 5 non-targeting gRNAs.

Lund human mesencephalic (LUHMES) neural progenitor cell line.
Cells from 3 batches were merged together into 1 analysis. All cells have only a single type of gRNA readout.

MUSIC pipeline


  • Cell quality control
  • SAVER data imputation
  • Filtering cells with invalid edits
    (if a cell's differentially expressed gene profile is more similar to the control cells than to the other cells with the same perturbation.)
  • Selecting genes with large dispersion difference between case and control
  • Normalizing and rounding the expression values to non-negative integers

Final gene and cell size: [1] 3197 4146

Result interpretation

Annotating the functions of each topic:

MUSIC obtains the occurrence probabilities of genes available in each topic. It then selects the top 10% genes of each topic based on their occurrence probabilities, and perform functional enrichment analysis using all genes in topic modeling as background.

Characterizing topc-perturbation relationships:

For a specific topic, MUSIC prioritizes the perturbation effect by calculating the specific topic probability difference (TPD) between the case and control groups.

For the \(i\)-th perturbation on the \(j\)-th topic, the TPD against the control group is computed as the Student's \(t\)-statistics between \(\{z_{mj}\}_{m\in \text{perturbtion }i}\) and \(\{z_{nj}\}_{n\in \text{control}}\),
where \(z_{mj}\) is the probability of topic \(j\) in cell \(m\) normalized w.r.t. the control group: \(z_{mj} = \frac{\theta_{mj}-\mu_{\text{control}}}{\sigma_{\text{control}}}\).

5 Topics

Topic annotations

Topic 1 2 3 4 5
Signif_GO_terms 358 22 33 7 24

Neural-related topic(s):

Topic 1

Topic-perturbation relationship

10 Topics

Topic annotations

Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Signif_GO_terms 21 10 17 92 244 47 0 12 31 58

Neural-related topic(s):

Topic 4, 5, 10

Topic-perturbation relationship

20 Topics

Topic annotations

Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Signif_GO_terms 106 0 0 261 118 7 1 42 217 2
Topic 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Signif_GO_terms 54 0 0 39 2 9 42 30 0 0

Neural-related topic(s):

Topic 1, 4, 9

Topic-perturbation relationship